Succeed in Online Courses: 7 Steps to Win Them All!
Online courses are becoming popular day by day. It is because of several reasons but we are not going into that. Chances are you are here because you wish to know the steps to succeed in Online Courses. Fact is most of the people are used to with the classroom environment where their learning happens because of strong moderation by the institutions. In online courses, no one is there to moderate your learning and progress. It is up to you! Majority of learners misuse this flexibility. So let’s see the possible solution to this problem.
Step 1: Fixing Your Mindset
So you wish to succeed in Online Courses but do you have the right mindset to complete them? It is definitely the first step towards that goal. In case you are having a hard time to fix your mind to complete your courses properly, try to think why you have enrolled yourself in that course. If needed, note down that purpose and keep it close when you study online. You will always get distracted if you do not have a clear goal in mind and if you do not have any specific expectation from that course. So, be clear on your purpose and fix your mind on it.
Step 2: Manage Time
You have a lot of flexibility in online courses. A lot of online courses will allow you to move at your own pace. It is because they value your time and understands your other involvements. However, if you do not utilize this opportunity properly, it will actually backfire at you. No matter how many involvements you have, find a dedicated time or duration that you can invest in your learning. As long as you find time to study, you will make progress. If needed track your time and keep the record so that you can monitor how you are progressing and how much efforts you are putting to make the progress you desire. You can use web applications like Clockify which can help you track and record your time.
Step 3: Arrange the Learning Environment
Make sure to clean your learning environment and keep it distraction free. Having too many things in your desk during the study or having too many things happening in your study room can easily shift your attention and concentration away from your study. It is important that you select a room that is study friendly, quiet, distraction-free and about the same can be said for your study desk. Your learning environment has a deep impact over your study time, and concentration. Thus succeeding in online courses heavily depend on the learning environment.
Step 4: Remain Engaged and Participate
Online courses will have activities, assignments, instructions, quiz, and forum. These activities are there to assist and evaluate your learning. If you ignore these activities, you will not be able to get the best out of those online courses. Remaining engaged and participating in the activities in online courses is the key to success. Instructions and assignments will give you greater insight into what you are learning. The quiz will help you assess what you have learned, and the forum will help you discuss your problems with your peers and teachers. Online courses are not only about the lesson contents, but also the combination of all the activities, assessments, discussions and practice elements. So, prioritize them all and remain engaged. it is where the real learning happens in online courses.
Step 5: Discipline and Integrity
When it comes to online learning, you are the boss. However, it is important that you utilize this independence by remaining disciplined and maintaining integrity with yourself. In online courses, you will have plenty of opportunities to cheat but whom you are cheating in reality? Remember that you are in an online course means that you wish to really learn something so that you can apply that learning for your own benefit. If you cheat in an online course, you will end up earning just a certificate with no real value. You will not be able to apply the learning from the course in your life. So, whatever opportunity you may gain from the certificate, you will ultimately end up losing everything since you do not actually know what you will be expected to do. Therefore, if you wish to succeed in online courses, maintain discipline and integrity.
Step 6: Be Thorough
Sometimes, online courses will contain external links and references for further reading or learning. Follow them thoroughly even if they are not really required by the course. These external resources will add up to your learning and provide you with deeper insight on the topic. If your aim is to learn about a specific topic or gain a specific skill, you will require all the useful details. Do not ignore any additional material or resources, be thorough and you will surely be successful.
Step 7: Practice Your Learning
Let’s say you have completed your courses following all the steps mentioned above. Will you be successful? Well not really, unless you practice what you have learned. Practicing will truly assess your learning and identify what you still need to learn and push you further towards success. Without practice, you will forget whatever knowledge or skill you have gained from online courses over time. So, even if you were successful in completing a course, you will actually fail to apply the knowledge or skill from that course in case you lack practice.
Finally, make sure to synchronize all of these steps and follow them all instead of just following one or a few of them. Succeeding in online courses can be tough but if you remain committed, it is only a matter of time that you succeed. Now that you know the steps involved to succeed in online courses, why not start browsing for some online course that may add value to your life? GoEdu courses focus on just that. Happy Learning, and wishing you all the best for your success!
Tag:Learning, Online Course, Success