কোর্সের বিবরণঃ
Setting and Achieving Focus, Goals and Targets is both an essential management and life skill. আজকের এই আধুনিক বিশ্বে যুগের সাথে পাল্লা দিয়ে চলার প্রতিযোগীতায় জিততে হলে প্রতিটি মানুষেরই সব থেকে বেশী যা প্রয়োজন তা হলো নিজের ভবিষ্যতে উন্নতির লক্ষ্যে একটি নির্দিষ্ট Goal ঠিক করে সেটিকে Target হিসেবে নিয়ে তা পূরণের উদ্দেশ্যে নিজের Focusকে ঠিক করা। এই ৩টি বিষয় ঠিক করা ছাড়া কখনোই কোন মানুষ তার জীবনে উন্নতি লাভ করতে পারবে না। একটি মানুষ যে পেশাতেই কাজ করতে ইচ্ছুক হোক না কেন, তার যদি অনেক বড় কিছু হবার উচ্চাকাংক্ষা থেকে থাকে তবে তাকে অবশ্যই তার ভবিষ্যত Goal, Target ঠিক করে বর্তমান কাজের প্রতি সর্বোচ্চ Focus দিয়ে পরিশ্রম করতে হবে। কিন্তু অধিকাংশ মানুষই এই বিষয়টি নিয়ে উদাসীন। তারা সারা জীবন কাজ করে চলে কোন রকমের উদ্দেশ্য বা লক্ষ্য ছাড়াই যার কারণে দেখা যায় যে তারা প্রচুর পরিশ্রম করলেও তাদের ভাগ্যের কোন পরিবর্তন হয় না কারণ তাদের জীবনে কোন Goal বা Target নেই। তখন তারা অহেতুক দোষারোপ করে নিজেদের ভাগ্য ও বিধাতাকে।
কিন্তু তারা যদি জানে যে কিভাবে নিজেদের জীবনের Goal এবং Targetকে ঠিক করে তা পূরণের লক্ষ্যে Focus সহকারে কাজ করতে হয় তবে তাদের সাফল্য কেউ আটকাতে পারবে না। তাই যারা তাদের জীবন ও Career দুটিকেই কিভাবে সাফল্যের পথে এগিয়ে নিয়ে যাবেন এ ব্যাপারে চিন্তিত ও কোন পথ খুঁজে পাচ্ছেন না তাদের জন্য আজকের এই কোর্স।
এই কোর্স থেকে শিক্ষার্থী তথা চাকরীজীবি সকলেই জানতে পারবেন কিভাবে সঠিকভাবে নিজের জীবনের Goal, Target ও Focusকে ঠিক করে সাফল্যের দিয়ে এগিয়ে যাওয়া যায়।
Setting and Achieving Focus, Goals and Targets কোর্সটি কাদের জন্য?
যে কেউ এই কোর্সে অংশগ্রহন করতে পারবে। এই কোর্সটির জন্য কোন পূর্বশর্ত না থাকায় বর্তমানে চাকরীরত ও শিক্ষাজীবনে থাকা যে কেউ এই কোর্স থেকে উপকৃত হতে পারবে। তবে যারা বর্তমানে চাকরীরত রয়েছে, সদ্য চাকরীতে যোগদান করেছে বা চাকরীপ্রার্থী তাদের জন্য এই কোর্সটি সব থেকে বেশি উপযোগী ও সম্ভাবনাময়।
এই কোর্সটি করে,
- শিক্ষার্থী
- সদ্য গ্র্যাজুয়েট
- চাকরীজীবি
সহ সকলেই নিজেদের নিজ নিজ কর্মক্ষেত্রে সফল হতে পারবে।
কোর্সটি থেকে বিশেষ যা যা পাচ্ছেন
- ১ ঘন্টারও কম সময়ে ২৯ টি লেকচার
- কোর্স শেষ করার পর পরীক্ষা দেওয়ার সুযোগ
- যেকোনো সমস্যা নিয়ে ফোরামে আলোচনা করার সুযোগ
- HRDI এবং Skill.Jobs থেকে সার্টিফিকেট
GoEdu Learner’s Manual
Course Features
- Lectures 29
- Quizzes 1
- Duration 1 hour
- Skill level All levels
- Language Bengali
- Students 6366
- Certificate Yes
- Assessments Self
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Very nice
Some desires come from love and that love cannot be removed from the mind in any way..Teaching is such a passion and a place I love most..My goal as a teacher is to improve my student’s education and help them grow knowledgably. I would like to see students at different levels develop and grow their highest level of education by using Technology .
Thank you very much sir for your valuable video on focusing on goals and moving forward towards goals 🙏
Previously, most of the time I faced insecurity and lack of decision-making. I was changing continuous tracks. After completing this course, I understand that focusing on a selected goal and trying to accomplish it is the most important thing. Our minds need to be setup for continuous development, otherwise we will be backdated and not able to work with the trend. We need to avoid some circumstances, like over-utilizing social media without proper outcome for our lives. networking, building and accountability in our lives.
responsibility in each sector where I am performing.
I have a few questions. It would be great if I got the answer from you, sir.
If every career has its own ecosystem, then how do I identify my particular eco system and is it only for the work place or my full life involvement area?
At what level of age should we stop changing our track?
How do I identify this as my priority task when there are a lot of tasks to accomplish?
Working life and family life can be maintained easily.
Thank you in advance.
Thank you sir
From this course I have achieved different parameters of achieving goals. We need to be focused, time conscious, emotionally intelligent, accountable, have automation technique, responsible as well as self-respect. I have also come to know that building, tracking and judging of the plan will make my goal more relevant and achievable. Thank you sir for making this course so percise and object oriented.
This course carries a set of development processes for each individual. For example, a student, a graduate student who can find a way to reach their dream career and an employee can also improve his performance to achieve the goal.
This course has helped me to set my goals as well as some alternative goals. I have already drawn a mind mapping of my career plan where, I have chosen three different career opportunities including some other things that should be considered in order to achieve career goals.
In addition to my career planning, I have the opportunity to learn about other things that will help me to develop good qualities in the early stages of my career and also in other areas of the job.
I also learned how to behave as an employee in a company and the things that will help me and the company to achieve the goals
After Completing this course, I am able to choose and clearly specify my goals. I got some new ideas on achieving my goal and how to work accordingly.
I am sharing a story. I planned previously to give a proposal to my department to start a new course on Technical Textile. Already there is a course on it. But that course is not covering a lot of things of technical textile & obviously it’s not possible to cover everything in one course. So I was planning to propose to start Technical Textile 2 in my department. But as a graduating student I did not know how to say about this with teachers, is it ok to propose or not, what will be its impact on department etc. I was feeling hesitated about proposing or not. But now
1. I got motivation from this video to talk to my department and professors about this. And after this 4 days training, I will go to my department and talk about this.
2. Then I will start planning with department or teachers about this. Because this can be a very impactful initiative for the upcoming batches of textile graduates.
★ So approach to start a new course for textile department is one of my next one years goals. So I am focusing to achieve this by following the gained learnings from this course with my own plans.
Thus this course encouraged me in doing something new.
Thank you.
Reflection after completing the course:
As we are human being, we have a goal and there’s a purpose behind we are being here. First of all, we have to focus on a goal and make a plan for achieving the goal and give the priority to execute and focus to my plan. Currently, my focus, goal and target are to complete my sessions to get prepared for becoming an ideal teacher. Moreover, as I’m a student of MSc in CSE at BUET, my target is successfully complete the degree from the institute.
After completing the course of our honorable chairman sir named “Setting and Achieving Focus, Goals and Targets”, my ambition is now so focused and determined to become a good teacher for ensuring quality education because I have completed so many sessions in last two days that is very much important for teaching career, the sessions has passed away my confusions, hesitation and encourages me to decide what should I do and what should not do.
I would like to mention some sessions which was mind blowing, “Which one drives you” a psychological session facilitated by Ms. Bilkis Khanam ma’am, ICT and video making session by Mr. Amir Hamza Sir, Growth Mindset and fixed Mindset facilitated by Mr. Ejaj-Ur Rahaman Sir, Blooms Taxonomy and Outcome Based Education(OBE) facilitated by Mr. Narayan Ranjan Chakraborty.
I would like to share my some of goals:
If, I could be recruited as a fellow in DIU, then I will design some ICT courses and publish online course platforms within 3 months. Moreover, I will focus on research work and publish at least 2 papers within spring semester where I have already worked 3 publishable research projects.
Moreover, I will prove myself as one of the best teachers at DIU within 3 semesters.
Furthermore, I will complete my MSc degree within this year from BUET.
A goal should be set with a long-term plan in mind. Which have to give priority to what can be done to reach the goal. So, how we can focus? If we can avoid destruction, procrastination, addiction to social media. Also tracking our plan and managing our time properly. If we can set goals and focus. The next step is how we can achieve that! We can use some techniques to achieve the goal. Develop a plan, track progress, learn and use new technology, build a network, take new challenges and responsibilities. Also, we have to set targets for a position that we want to achieve. Gain other knowledge outside of my work. Work efficiently and revenue generates for my company. Because company’s progress that means my progress.
Before doing the course, it was set up in my mind that need to set a goal in life, work for the goal, and then I will achieve that. I think most people have this concept also. but after doing the course one will understand that it’s not that easy. But after doing the course I get to know that there have many steps in the middle of achieving success. After doing the course I have understood that in my life I have also made mistakes to achieve my goal. I have never used a notebook to write down my goals. I have learned many things from the TAF program-2021 of DIU. This has set up in my mind that to change the nation I need to be a teacher. So, I make a goal that I will write down my goal to be a teacher and go according to that. I will follow some strategy for be a teacher. If I do not get chance I will get focused, and will not change my mind till I don’t become a teacher. This course help me to learned focused and worked strategically with full planning and more things. And I am going according to my planning and hope will be successful soon.
The course appears to me as a reflection of my past and a notice for my future. As I had a goal from my childhood and often procrastination distracted me from the goal but again I had to move on with courage and focus on the goal, I could connect my experience of life with the course and each steps seems to me taken from the life. Therefore, I think this course is a precise guideline for any student. It nicely describes the mistakes we often do while trying to make a career, so we can be aware of our mistakes by going through this course.
Now I am just adding a little drop of water to my career as a TAF Fellow because I am at the beginning of the career for which I focused on for a long. Hence, in this precious moment of my life when I need a proper guideline this course seems a kind of eye opening course for me which also opened many windows of my thought.
Now I know that I have to focus on my career goal with a proper mindset and I have to make a time schedule that within which time I want to reach which position. Then I have to start working, may be the time will not be the exact when I will get the next position but by this I will have a map of my career which will guide me always. As a TAF Fellow my goal is to become a university teacher, now I have to make a career plan that within which time I want to be a lecturer then an assistant professor and finally after completing my PhD I can be a full professor after a period of time. In addition, I will have to keep in mind that the authority will reward me early if I can prove my potentiality. So I think it is every employees responsibility to give his/her best for the institute from which the bread and butter of the family comes!
Eventually, unity is strength so we should work in group and share our thoughts and shortcut ways of doing anything effectively with others so that we can win the success together.
I want to offer my heartiest thanks to our honorable Sir for offering such an excellent and effective course for the young learners like us. I also recommend the new people to do this insightful course, it really helps!
A learner
From Department of English
Daffodil International University
Wish you good luck.
Without goal no one can success in life.So we have to decide ore goal .So that we can get a way to reach our goal
For achieving the goal we have to set the goal, Fixed the target, specific our focus.
In this training, I discovered that as human beings, we all have a goal and a reason for being here. First and foremost, we must concentrate on a goal, devise a strategy for accomplishing the objective, and place a high priority on executing and focusing on my strategy. In addition, I’ve learned how to use technology at various levels to improve and expand our education at the highest levels. If every vocation has its own ecosystem, how can I identify mine, and is it only for the workplace or for my whole life engagement area, at what age should we stop changing our tracks, and how do I prioritize this task when there are so many? A long list of chores to do How can I balance my professional and personal lives?
Thank you Sir……..This is a very informative course….
To achieve the goal I have to set the goal first, fix the target & keep focusing.
Thank you sir………..
Without goal people can’t success.
It is very impressive course.This course is very essential of all students.
After completing this course one year back, I came to write a Thank You note to this course.
Undoubtedly, that had a positive impact on me while setting my life goals and fixing the targets.
Excellent course indeed. Clear and concise and the lecturer explains things in just the the right style and cadence. This course taught me many things and I’m very grateful to have been through it. When I was struggling in college, I was trying all types of methods to set goals. Now that I’ve taken this course, I understand why I didn’t succeed before. I didn’t need techniques, I needed a roadmap to follow.
You should set goals beyond your reach so you always have something to live for. Goals are not only absolutely necessary to motivate us. They are essential to really keep us alive. What I have learned here, make a plan and go for it, daily basis, weekly, monthly, and yearly basis plan as well as. These will work out properly.
This course provided me great information for goal setting that I will definitely put into action. Wish me good luck!
This course helped me to understand the moto of an employee and the prospective goal of a successful young man. Thank You, Sir.
I recently completed the “Setting and Achieving Focus, Goals, and Targets” online course and found it to be a valuable tool for improving my management skills. The course provides practical and actionable strategies for setting and achieving goals, and I feel better equipped to prioritize and stay focused in my daily work. I highly recommend this course to anyone looking to improve their focus and reach their targets more effectively
Thank you sir. If I set right focus, goal and target then I will provide productive things in my work place.
A lot of helpful methods for us
That was a very helpful course for me. Thank you.
Focus, goal & targets are very well discussed in this course. especially avoid distraction section was really useful for me.
Sir’s masterclass was an absolute game-changer for me. His expertise, passion, and engaging teaching style made the learning experience both enjoyable and impactful. The insights and skills I gained have had a profound influence on my personal and professional growth, and I cannot recommend his masterclass highly enough.
A goal should be set with a long-term plan in mind. Which have to give priority to what can be done to reach the goal. So, how we can focus? If we can avoid destruction, procrastination, addiction to social media. Also tracking our plan and managing our time properly. If we can set goals and focus. The next step is how we can achieve that! We can use some techniques to achieve the goal. Develop a plan, track progress, learn and use new technology, build a network, take new challenges and responsibilities. Also, we have to set targets for a position that we want to achieve. Gain other knowledge outside of my work. Work efficiently and revenue generates for my company. Because company’s progress that means my progress
Achieving focus, goals, and targets is essential for both professional and personal success. People can overcome obstacles, remain motivated, and move closer to their goals by setting clear goals, staying focused, and acting strategically. Setting achievable goals allows people to reach their potential and achieve their dreams.
I have already complete the introduction part but now can not proceed further. It shows me “You must complete the item “Introduction” before this item is available.”
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You can also check out this video to understand the process better: https://youtu.be/gBmbhV9EGcg?si=myT4W3fGlEE8RuW2
Thanks a lot now it works 🙂