Zahirul Islam
Mr. Islam is currently working in Edotco Bangladesh Co. Ltd (A concern of Axiata Group) as Financial Planner & Analyst. Previously, he worked in Infinigent Consulting Ltd as Business Analyst, in Sky Telecommunication Limited (A concern of Partex Star Group, Metro Group & Karnaphuli Group) as a Business Planner & Analyst. Moreover, he worked in various national & multinational FMCG, manufacturing companies, Financial Institutions & Banks. He is a Certified Supply Chain Analyst (CSCATM) offered by the International Supply Chain Educational Alliance (USA). Moreover, he is a certified Business Analyst & Data Analyst from the Wharton School of Business of the University of Pennsylvania (USA). He was among the top 10 MS Excel experts of the national MS Excel competition called “Excelerious 2016”.